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You only have to go to one place for all your property needs.   As property managers, we strive to develop strong, mutually beneficial relationships with our clients built on trust and continuous communication and information.


Staffed with a full team of seasoned real estate professionals and support staff, we are on the leading edge in our industry for sales and leasing of commercial real estate. Our market knowledge and expertise are invaluable as we establish appropriate lease rates, determine leasing strategies, develop comprehensive marketing plans and negotiate transactions that are in the best interest of our clients.  Whether we are representing an institutional property owner or a private investor, we assemble the best possible team of real estate experts to formulate strategies, that maximize property value. 

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Construction Worker Lifting Wood Board


Staffed with a full team of seasoned real estate professionals and support staff, we are on the leading edge in our industry for sales and leasing of commercial real estate. Our market knowledge and expertise are invaluable as we establish appropriate lease rates, determine leasing strategies, develop comprehensive marketing plans and negotiate transactions that are in the best interest of our clients.  Whether we are representing an institutional property owner or a private investor, we assemble the best possible team of real estate experts to formulate strategies, that maximize property value. 


When one or multiple assets are acquired, we have the ability to underwrite each property for a potential purchaser or the owner. We offer timely evaluations of each property to understand, analyze, and stabilize the asset and are experts in the markets we work in.

In addition, our team is skilled at saving you money through areas such as tax appeals and disputes, legal assistance, and loan workouts.

Electrical Inspectors


Construction Quality Review through both on-site visits and the review of essential documentation are to confirm that the general contractor is building the project in accordance with the construction documents. Both are for completeness and quality of work and materials.

Construction Budget Review is on a monthly basis to assess that the funds required are in line with the percentage of work completed. We also do this to confirm that there are sufficient funds remaining in the budget to complete the project.


Need to refinance or get the first loan on a property you're buying? We can help.

Financial Analyst
Aerial View of a Houses


Our development team facilitates an efficient, defined process for evaluating prospective acquisitions, building purchases, addressing zoning and neighborhood considerations, and reviewing construction costs. Our unique blend of vision and problem solving skills has earned us the reputation of developing dynamic, high-quality projects across a wide variety of opportunities.

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